Most Important Topics of ES6

ES6 is the game changing language of our modern programming world.In this below we are discuss about same topics which are most important for any java script learner.

Var Declaration and Hosting:

Var declaration is a most important syntax of declare any variable. If program have any variable then user can use this syntax. var use for declare any variable. variable can use globally or inside the function.

global declaration of var
var declaration inside a function

Block Level Declaration

Block condition is on of the most important syntax of any kind of programming. In others programming language it call combining statement . if we have multiple variable condition or syntax then we can easily manage using block declaration.

In the most visual or useful declaration we see in our code.Every moment we use that. Example: if (){….}…else, while(){…} …do etc.

block declaration use for If..else condition

Block Binding In Loops

Block binding is the most useful tricky part of programming language.Basically It’s use in C language at the mine time java script language it’s became most user friendly.

Already we know the block declaration use for block multiple value or condition. In this condition are similar as like as others condition . the deference’s is the declare or variable works as host . in the top function will declare the value of variable.

function with block declaration using third bracket



Md Rakib Hossain Bd

I am a professional Font End Developer. I am familiar with React js, Express js, MongoDB